Computer Tips & Tricks


DISM And SFC 2 Great Tools To Repair Windows 10
DISM AND SFC 2 Great Tools To Repair Windows 10
If some Windows functions aren't working, Windows is crashing, or there are unexplained performance issues, the cause may be that the core system files are corrupted. The Deployment Imaging Servicing and...
Windows vs.Mac
MacOS Or Windows PC Which One Is Better?
Star Wars or Star Trek? Captain Kirk or Captain Picard? Seinfeld or Friends? These classic pop culture debates will rage on forever. Today we will tackle another age-old question: MacOS or Windows? In...
WiFi hotspot
What Exactly Is A WiFi Hotspot?
What are hotspots, where can you find them, and how can you connect to them while maintaining your privacy and security? WiFi hotspots are internet access points that enable you to connect to a WiFi network...
Facebook Logo
Facebook  Will Soon Include Reels Worldwide
Reels will be included into Facebook’s application globally. Facebook is releasing its own version of the TikTok-inspired app known as Reels, which will be available in 150 countries outside of the...
TicTok Logo
Up to 10 minutes of video might be allowed on TikTok
Up to 10 minutes of video might be allowed on TikTok
Bluetooth vs. WiFi: What's the difference?
Bluetooth vs. WiFi: What's the difference?
If you own a smartphone, laptop, tablet, or other similiar device, it is almost certain that it includes both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi wireless capabilities. But what is the difference between Bluetooth and...
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